So, you have met with your florist and made the choices of flowers , the size and shape of your bouquet and what colors the flowers will be. But you want something more, maybe you want to personalize your bouquet. But how? You may have looked into adding bouquet Jewelry to your bouquet but have questions of how to use and incorporate this sparkling accessory. Below we hope to be able to provide you with answers your questions and give you both ideas and inspiration.
The most popular way brides have been choosing to add personalization to their bouquet is to insert a Single Initial into the bouquet. Most brides are choosing the first letter of their newly shared last name. An example of this choice shown with the letter K and can be viewed in the bouquet above. We often get the question from Brides of, how to use the initial bouquet jewelry and what is the initial attached to? The initial monogram bouquet jewelry we carry is attached to a 10" sterling silver plated non-flexible pick or stem. The pick is easily inserted into a bouquet. For all our bouquet jewelry we do suggest either having you or your florist cut the picks down. This helps the picks fit more securely in your bouquet.
Next, want to dress up the handle of your bouquet? Bouquet jewelry can also be incorporated into the handle of bouquet. The bouquet handle above complete with crystal monogram ribbon was achieved by taking
three crystal swirl bouquet jewelry stems then clipping the stems down and then attaching them with glue to the handle, giving the bouquet handle a rich and elegant look.

Need to know how much bouquet jewelry you will need for your bouquet? We suggest 6 picks or stems if the bouquet jewelry is larger or 12 picks or stems if the bouquet jewelry is smaller. If in doubt, we suggest you consult with your florist.
Trying to incorporate bouquet jewelry into your wedding theme? Here are some suggestions to start you on your way. For a beach wedding theme... starfish bouquet jewelry has become a popular choice , for a romance wedding theme... heart bouquet jewelry , simple yet elegant look... think about trying crystal pave buttons or crystal solitaires.
We hope this has helped answer some of your questions about bouquet jewelry and will help in making your choices easier. The beautiful bouquets pictured above were designed by and courtesy of
whistlestopflorist located in East Syracuse,NY. All bouquet jewelry in bouquets were provided by and available at
whiteroseboutique. Wishing you much success in creating that perfect bouquet of your dreams.